Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development <p><strong>The Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development</strong> is an international multidisciplinary scientific journal published by Intitution of Research and Community Andalas University,Indonesia. This Journal is focusing on the issues related to community service activities. The publication of this journal aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the field of community service to support Social and Entrepreneurial Development where the community Service activities are structured into an activity that aims to improve the welfare of the community. Articles will be published in October and April on each year. Any interested authors can submit their manuscripts in English or Bahasa Indonesia</p> Institute of Research And Community Service, Andalas University / LPPM Universitas Andalas en-US Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2808-6732 ALTERNATIVE CORN PROCESSING FOR AUR SERUMPUN FARMER GROUP IN SIMPANG VILLAGE, PASAMAN DISTRICT, WEST SUMATERA PROVINCE <p><strong>Background:</strong> This activity was carried out in order to transfer corn processing technology to become a food product that could increase food product diversification in in Simpang village, Pasaman District, West Sumatera Province. <strong>Methodology:</strong> Tortilla chips as a derivative of corn were introduced through oral presentations and group discussion forums by the representative team from Andalas University together with “Aur Serumpun” Farmer groups at Simpang village, Pasaman District, West Sumatera Province. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Information about corn processing into tortilla chips could be an alternative to multiple the types of products that can be produced by the farmer groups “Aur Serumpun”. Recently, they only produce one type of product, namely raw corn products which are directly sold to the animal feed industry. Although farmers were not very enthusiastic, continuous communication with farmers will increase their awareness of diversifying maize products that can support their economy in the future.</p> Daimon Syukri Nika Rahma Yanti Emil Salim Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-10-29 2021-10-29 1 01 1 4 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.1-4.2021 HAND SANITIZER WITH EUCALYPTUS SCENT FOR THE COMMUNITY AS A CONTRIBUTION TO DEALING WITH PANDEMIC CONDITIONS: A COMMUNITY SERVICE REPORT <p><strong>Background:</strong> This activity was carried out to participate in preventing the spread of the COVID 19 virus in the city of Padang, West Sumatera Province. <strong>Methodology: </strong>The hand sanitizer was produced independently and was distribute to the public society in Padang City for period of November 2020. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The distribution of eucalyptus flavored hand sanitizers provided another variant of existing hand sanitizer. The distinctive aroma of eucalyptus flavored hand sanitizers is very popular with the community and is expected to increase their awareness of using hand sanitizers to maintain their sanitation during the new normal in the current COVID 19 pandemic era.</p> Rini Rini Kesuma Sayuti Fauzan Azima Eddwina Aidila Fitria Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-10-29 2021-10-29 1 01 5 7 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.5-7.2021 DISTRIBUTION OF HAND SOAP WITH THE AROMA OF EUCALYPTUS FOR PEOPLE AFFECTED BY THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: A COMMUNITY SERVICE REPORT <p><strong>Background: </strong>The utilization of liquid hand soap is an alternative to prevent virus transmission in COVID 19 Pandemic. The production of aromatic hand soap and distribution to the public will be an effort to support the prevention of the spread of the corona virus. <strong>Methodology: </strong>Aromatic hand soap made from eucalyptus is produced and distributed to people in Padang City as an alternative product for people to maintain their personal hygiene. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>This eucalyptus-flavored handsoap has received a lot of positive feedback. This product can assist people in maintaining their personal hygiene. The public does not like the smell of eucalyptus oil in this hand soap product. The formulation of this product will need to be completed in the future<strong>.</strong></p> Felga Zulfia Rasdiana Novelina Novelina Aisman Aisman Purnama Dini Hari Novizar Nazir Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-10-29 2021-10-29 1 01 8 10 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.8-10.2021 LEMON FLAVORED CLEANER TO PROTECT THE SOCIETY ON LARGE-SCALE SOCIAL RESTRICTIONS IN PADANG CITY, WEST SUMATERA PROVINCE <p><strong>Background:</strong> The corona pandemic has wreaked havoc all across the world, especially in Indonesia. Hand washing with soap or hand sanitizer is one approach to help prevent the transmission of the corona virus. To aid in the prevention of the corona virus, a variety of hand sanitizers have been developed. &nbsp;<strong>Methodology: </strong>Therefore, hand sanitizers made from alcohol with lemon aroma have been produced and distributed to the community around the residence of the academic community of Andalas University. This hand sanitizer is made independently using ingredients such as alcohol, glycerin, water, hydrogen peroxide and lemon extract. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>The distributed hand sanitizer is highly accepted by the community because of the increasing need for personal hygiene due to the increasingly massive spread of the corona virus. It is hoped that this activity can be done continuously.</p> Ismed Ismed Rina Yenrina Tuty Anggraini Diana Silvy Efrina Efrina Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-10-29 2021-10-29 1 01 11 13 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.11-13.2021 FOOD SUPPORT FOR THE ANDALAS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS DURING THE FIRST LOCKDOWN DUE TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC <p><strong>Background:</strong> &nbsp;Distributing Food Supplies for andalas university students that wander in Padang who are affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic is essential. &nbsp;<strong>Methodology: </strong>The distribution of basic food packages consisting of rice, eggs, cooking oil, milk and instant noodles has been carried out in 2 stages. This package can feed students for 1 week and help them to survive this difficult time. This program was directly supervised by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University and implemented jointly with all members of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>This activity can increase solidarity with the care of others affected by Covid-19 and also encourage understanding and interest in community empowerment, especially in tackling the spread of coronavirus</p> Wellyalina Wellyalina Hasbullah Hasbulla Cesar Welya Refdi Azrifirwan Azrifirwan Feri Arlius Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-10-29 2021-10-29 1 01 14 16 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.14-16.2021 TRAINING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXTENSIVE MATERIALS IN THE DIGITAL ERA AS A SOLUTION TO FISHERIES EXTENSION ACTIVITIES WITH DIGITAL SUBMITTING OF INFORMATION <p><strong>Background:</strong>&nbsp;snacks or fast food are currently favored by children's and even dominate the food market.&nbsp;This food has penetrated all regions and its development&nbsp;very fast from day to day.&nbsp;This increase in consumption of snacks is not followed by an increase in the nutritional value in them and most of the snacks as children's snacks that are currently circulating contain many substances that are harmful to health, such as dyes, preservatives and excessive MSG.&nbsp;This cannot be allowed to continue because it also affects the intelligence of children.&nbsp;This requires a media as the delivery of information to the public as a whole.&nbsp;One of the media that can convey information globally is information that is connected to the internet network, especially in streaming videos on social media channels.&nbsp;In order to raise awareness of the Indonesian people, especially the people of Tanjungbalai about the benefits and advantages of eating fish, so Department of&nbsp; Fish Processing Technology Polytechnic Tanjungbalai (TPHP POLTAN) carries out training activities for the creation of extension materials in the digital era.&nbsp;The desired result of this activity is that students can create counseling materials through video media, blogs/vlogs that are presented online. <strong>Method&nbsp;:</strong> The&nbsp;form of this activity consists of providing material and making video demos.&nbsp;The materials provided in this activity are: 1) Fish Product Diversification, 2) Processed Product Quality Management and 3) Video making and editing tutorials.&nbsp;<strong>Result&nbsp;:</strong> the training process in making video demos of making products from fishery products as a form of counseling material for the community to be able to make their own snacks that are more nutritious and have a delicious taste.&nbsp;The&nbsp;stages in this training are as follows: 1) Participants make video material to be made, 2) Shoot or record videos according to the material, and 3) Participants do video editing to get a good video.</p> Ahmad Fauzan Lubis Ayu Diana Muhammad Zakiyul Fikri Andri Syahputra Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-11-05 2021-11-05 1 01 17 20 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.17-20.2021 IMPROVING THE KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS OF THE MEMBERS OF THE LIMAU MANIH MUSHROOM FARMER GROUP ABOUT DIVERSIFICATION OF PROCESSED OYSTER MUSHROOM PRODUCTS <p>Mushroom Cultivation is one of the government programs aimed at triggering the economy of the people who need guidance not only in the cultivation of saj, but also requires guidance for processing into more economically valuable products. Low knowledge and skills of mushroom farmers about raw materials, processing technology and product packaging. The method of activities consists of the delivery of counseling material about the nutritional content and properties of oyster mushrooms, the delivery of material about the processing technology of various oyster mushroom based products, the delivery of material about product packaging and product manufacturing practices. The results of the activity showed an increase in the knowledge and skills of oyster mushroom farmers after the extension activities. Oyster mushroom farmers who initially did not know (score 1) became little know (score 2) and knew better and were very knowledgeable about various science and technology related to raw materials, processes and products (packaging).</p> Kurnia Harlina Dewi Risa Meutia Fiana Vioni Derosya Deivy Andhika Permata Hasbullah Hasbullah Rahmi Awalina Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-11-05 2021-11-05 1 01 21 28 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.21-28.2021 EMPOWERMENT OF SIAMESE CITRUS FARMERS KAMANG NAGARI KAMANG HILIR, KAMANG MAGEK DISTRICT, AGAM REGENCY <p>Siam Kamang citrus farmers, who are known for their JESIKA products in Nagari Kamang Hilir, Kamang Magek District, Agam Regency, have been cultivating oranges since 1962. During its development, Siamese citrus farming experienced a period of production failure due to the CVPD virus attack. Excessive use of pesticides has affected the development of Siamese orange agribusiness in Nagari Kamang. Community service activities in the form of disseminating research results on prospects for developing Siamese orange agribusiness and the financial feasibility of Siamese citrus business are carried out in an effort to empower farmers to develop Siamese citrus farming. From the FGD activities carried out, farmers finally realized that farming patterns that use pesticides as an effort to prevent pests and diseases incur large costs and have a negative impact on the development of JESIKA agribusiness. Farmers are advised to cultivate JESIKA in accordance with the recommended SOP and apply a polyculture cropping pattern with an organic farming system to increase production more optimally.</p> Vonny Indah Mutiara Rika Hariance Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-11-05 2021-11-05 1 01 29 34 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.29-34.2021 SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY OF THE COVID 19 DISASTER (PKM-BC19) IN LIMBUKAN KELURAHAN, SELATAN PAYAKUMBUH DISTRICT, PAYAKUMBUH CITY <p>Community Service for the Covid-19 Disaster (PKM-BC19) is the theme Community Service Program (KKN) thematic Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Andalas University.Service activities are more focused on Covid-19 volunteers who are tasked with educating the public. Students accompanied by lecturers carry out activities individually at their respective residences and occasionally come downdirectly to residents while still adhering to health protocols.The location for the implementation of student KKN is in Limbukan Village, South Payakumbuh District, Payakumbuh City. The work program carried out during KKN includes main activities, supporting activities and multimedia activities. The main activities are activities related to Covid-19. Supporting activities are activities related to economic, environmental, social improvement and public education.Additional activities or multimedia activities that students do are making educational videos which are then uploaded to social media such as Instagram, WhatsApp and Youtube.</p> Rina Yenrina Krisna Guci Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-11-05 2021-11-05 1 01 35 48 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.35-48.2021 COMMUNITY SERVICE- DISASTER COVID-19 (PKM-BC19) IN ALAI PARAK KOPI AND SWEET WATER BEACH, PADANG CITY, WEST SUMATERA PROVINCE <p>Community Service for the Covid-19 Disaster (PKM-BC) is an activity carried out by students accompanied by supervisors which aims to help the government to overcome the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak, in this service activity students act as providers of education to the community, regarding the symptoms of Covid-19 and cleanliness to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 and also help provide basic material assistance for people in need during this pandemic, so that people are expected to be more assisted and alert in responding to the spread of Covid-19. This activity was carried out in several areas in the city of Padang, especially in Alai Parak Kopi and the Air Manis Beach area, Padang City, West Sumatra Province. The work program carried out includes main activities, supporting and additional activities. The main activity of this service is the distribution of basic necessities, hand sanitizer and masks. As well as supporting activities from this service, in collaboration with Perumda PSM in the water sweet beach area, the work program is the enforcement of the Covid-19 protocol, spraying disinfectants and cleaning the sweet water beach. Supporting activities are making videos of making chlorophyll juice by utilizing local water spinach in the Alai Parak Kopi area.</p> Kesuma Sayuti Prima Nagara Putra Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-11-05 2021-11-05 1 01 49 56 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.49-56.2021 INDEPENDENT ANIMAL FEED PROCESSING TO IMPROVE THE ECONOMY OF THE COMMUNITY IN SIMPANG VILLAGE, PASAMAN, WEST SUMATRA <p><strong>Background:</strong> &nbsp;The absence of a corn processing machine is one of the problems experienced by Aur Serumpun farmer groups at Nagari Simpang. &nbsp;<strong>Methodology: </strong>The team of community services from Andalas University handed over a corn grinder that can be used to process dry corn into animal feed. The corn milling machine delivered is an electric machine with a small capacity that can be used for small-scale production. <strong>Conclusion: </strong>Members of the farming group have expressed their gratitude for the procedure of transferring the grinder. The existence of this tool benefits the community significantly because it allows them to make their own feed and sell it to other villages at a lesser cost.</p> Daimon Syukri Emil Salim Nika Rahma Yanti Aninda Tifani Puari Copyright (c) 2021 Andalasian International Journal of Social and Entrepreneurial Development 2021-11-05 2021-11-05 1 01 57 59 10.25077/aijsed.v1.i01.57-59.2021